Forum Members
- Eddie Brooks
- Dave Coates – Chair
- Steve Carter
- Caroline Gore-Booth
- Earl Greenwood
- Natalie Hallows
- Andy Lee
- Fiona Lee
- Chris Smith
- Bob Grant
- Lily Moughton
- Martin Newman
- Helena Spencer
Following introductions Dave briefed the new forum on the history of the previously proposed NaSA neighbourhood plan and explained about the neighbourhood plan process for the benefit of the new forum members.
Area Designation
The boundaries of the neighbourhood were discussed and the consensus of opinion was that the area should not include the Hawthorn Avenue or former Riley College redevelopment areas. Therefore the new proposed boundary was agreed subject to consultation with Hull City Council’s Planning Department upon where the precise boundary line should be drawn. It was further agreed that Dave should meet with Florence Liber to agree the boundary line and request a new map of the area for circulation to the forum.
Forum Constitution
Following discussion a vote was taken to approve the Newington Neighbourhood Plan constitution circulated prior to the meeting. This was unanimously approved.
Any Other Business
Date of next meeting
To be confirmed following agreement of the area boundary.
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