Minutes: Monday 22nd January 2018

Forum Members                             Apologies

Dave Coates – Chair                       George Baynes

Pat Davies                                        Stuart Carmichael (Hull Culture & Leisure)

Caroline Gore-Booth                       Councillor Alan Clark

Earl Greenwood                               Lucy Kelly

Lily Moughton                                   Martin Newman

Chris Smith

Councillor Helena Spencer

In Attendance

Keith Griffiths (HCC Neighbourhood Planning)

Dave Hickling (Consultant – The Planning Co-operative)

Liz Shepherd (Carnegie Heritage Centre)

Paul Taylor (Carnegie Heritage Centre)

Jamie Wilde (Integreat Plus)

Maureen Wilkinson (HCC Area Team)

Chair’s Report

The chair confirmed that we are now in receipt of the final amount of funding from The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). This funding takes us up to completion of the plan including the printing costs of copies of the completed document.Also with the end of the support from the Tudor Trust due to end at the end of May 2018 we have a fairly tight schedule before finalisation of the plan.

The chair went on to report that there is a new local fund which may be appropriate for legacy and continuation projects stemming from the plan. The new fund is called Community-Led Local Development (CLLD) and is a new European Union-funded grant programme to provide small and large grants on a match-funding basis. The grants are designed to help people in Hull access and create local economic opportunities and will fund 5 priority activities:

  • Targeted training in key work-related skills
  • Making it easier to find and access work
  • Growing integrated community hubs
  • Supporting local and community businesses
  • Joining up support to increase household incomes


Maureen Wilkinson provided some further details about CLLD which were duly photocopied and circulated. Further information is available from the Humber Learning Consortium website. https://www.hlc-vol.org/get-involved/clld

Friends of West Park Update

The chair reported that he had spoken to Jean & Mike Dennis who were involved in a former group seeking to bring the open air theatre in West Park back into use. Since this group is no longer active the remaining funds they have of around £2,000 may be available to support the set-up of a new Friends of West Park group. The chair will invite Mike & Jean to the next meeting to discuss this.

It was acknowledged that currently there is no group able to bring together the stake holding groups involved in West Park to discuss issues arising for example the maintenance of the lighting in the park.

Consultant’s Report

Dave Hickling reported that he had largely spent time addressing the suggestions and comments forwarded to him by the two Hull City Council Planning Officers Keith Griffiths and Florence Liber.

Keith Griffiths explained that it would be helpful to liaise closely leading up to the consultation of the draft plan which would better enable the forum to anticipate questions in advance arising from the consultation. Keith emphasised the need to link the Newington Neighbourhood Plan to Hull City Councils Local Plan and to immediately consult with all stakeholders as soon as the draft plan was complete.

Keith also emphasised the need to produce a consultation document and an address book of contacts for future reference in legacy projects.

Dave Hickling explained that the actual policies were still to be completed however the broad context of the communities aims and aspirations have already been completed after going through these consistently at earlier forum and focus group meetings. Although Dave too recognised a need to emphasise legacy projects to carry forward the aims and aspirations of the plan.

Following Dave’s update on progress made towards the draft plan he noted that a Neighbourhood Plan in another area had successfully been able to address the issue of a proliferation of takeaways and that this had been received positively by the plans inspectors. Keith reported that he would be able to provide more detailed information relating to the amount of takeaways on Anlaby Road especially in comparison with other areas of the city. A discussion ensued relating to the issue of how the proximity of the Stadium may explain the overprovision of takeaways and in general of the increased health challenges we face such as obesity.

Dave Hickling then went on to explain the need for the general policies to anticipate future needs and requirements for example in relation to such buildings as Wenlock Barracks which would leave a policy vacuum if it were to close without a reference to this outcome in the plan. What we require is a general policy not too specific but outlining general ideas of alternative usage should the barracks and similar buildings close. For example what the building should preferably be used for in case it were to become vacant. A lively discussion then ensued about potential uses of Wenlock Barracks in this eventuality including its possible use as a shelter for homeless people.

Design Guidance

Jamie Wilde gave a short presentation regarding the Design Guidance Integreat Plus have produced and explained that the revised document incorporated feedback and comments received from the forum.

Jamie had originally intended the document to be quite concise but that it actually comprises 21 pages even though he tried to contain it as much as possible.

Jamie highlighted the fact that the Design Guidance is just that ‘guidance’ which does not constitute a policy in itself. It was generally noted that the closure of Lloyd’s pharmacy & Whiteheads green grocers was expected in the near future and Keith Griffiths noted that there was a concentration of business at the two ends of Anlaby Road in the Newington area, one at the Stadium end and the other at the ‘Aldi’ end.

It was noted that the Plan may address development relevant to these two sites and the dearth of businesses in the middle.

Any Other Business

Dave Hickling stated that the main item on the agenda for the next forum meeting will be green spaces, walks and cycle routes.

Date, time & venue of next forum meeting

Monday 5th March 2018 at 5.30 pm at the Carnegie Heritage Centre.

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