Minutes – Monday 20 March 2017

Forum Members                                         Apologies

Dave Coates – Chair                                    Alla Coburn

Pat Davies                                                     John Coburn

Caroline Gore-Booth                                   Karen Carter (HCC)

Kim Hepple                                                   Steve Carter

Lily Moughton                                              Michelle Kidd (HCC)

Martin Newman                                            Shaun Riley

Councillor Helena Spencer                           Karen Tozer

Jennifer Woollin (HCC)


In Attendance

Sue Alvis

Dave Hickling (Consultant – The Planning Co-operative)

Florence Liber (HCC Planning)

Govind Manocha (Spring Estate Agents)

Liz Shepherd (Carnegie Heritage Centre)

Keith Smith

Paul Taylor (Carnegie Heritage Centre)


Chair’s Report

The chair began by updating the forum on progress made to date since the last forum meeting held in July 2016. This consisted mainly of a series of public consultation events and informal meetings. Most of this information is accessible on the forum website and Facebook page which are as follows. http://thenewingtonplan.co.uk/


Other than this it is proposed to apply for funding to improve the Railway triangle into a public eco-park featuring wild flowers etc.

Feedback from West Park Workshop – Dave Hickling

Copies of the report back from the West Park Design Workshop held on January 21 2017 were circulated and Dave Hickling one of the consultants working with the forum to produce the Neighbourhood Plan gave feedback from the meeting and discussed the issues arising.

The main issue appears to be the lack of a clear management structure in the park and the different interests of a number of disparate stakeholder groups. The overwhelming need is for a cohesive management plan for the park which could be capable of consolidating the views of all parties in to a comprehensive vision.

Kim Hepple reported that some of the young people using the new skate had approached her group (Pet Respect) in the pavilion nearest to the skate park about use of the toilets. Additionally Hessle Road Network youth project had enquired about potential use of the pavilion by their outreach workers. Sue Alvis suggested that perhaps the forum could undertake some consultation with the young people.

Premiere Bar Developments – Giroscope

Martin Newman from Giroscope briefly updated the forum on their submission of a business plan to NPS Humber to acquire and run the former Premiere bar as a community led music and arts venue. The incentive behind the acquisition being the need to bring the building back into use for the local community rather than simply as a money making venture; especially since the continued dereliction of the premises is detrimental for all parties.

A query was made regarding the former West Park Hotel nearby which apparently is now up for sale again with planning permission for conversion into 17 one bedroom apartments.

NNP Schedule & Timeframe (Dave Hickling)

Dave Hickling outlined the process of completing the Newington Neighbourhood Plan (NNP) and its outline structure. The NNP would be required to become part of the Local Plan produced by Hull City Council and comply with National planning guidelines and regulations. The plan will consist of a set of general policies and guidelines for the area as well as more detailed site specific proposals for allocated sites. For example there could be design guidelines for Anlaby Road incorporated into the plan and policies in place for specific areas such as West Park and the Railway Triangle. Additionally the forum will need to look at housing and potential sites for new housing including the site already identified at the bottom of Walliker Street and Perry Streets. The plan will also need to include various technical reports and it will need to be reliable and deliverable.

After the draft plan is completed there will be a public consultation and after this an independent examination to check if the plan is in conformity with the conditions for Neighbourhood Plans. Finally there will be a public referendum before the plan can be brought into force.

Any other business

Councillor Spencer reported that the surface area of the children’s paddling pool in West Park was being redone and should be complete in time for Easter. Also in West Park the ward councillors were in the stages of planning for a new children’s play area in the former tennis courts. Finally the ward councillors were in receipt of a petition from residents to make Walton Street car park more secure.

Date, time & venue of next meeting

Monday 24th April 5.00pm Carnegie Heritage Centre.

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