Forum Members Apologies
George Baynes Alla Coburn
Dave Coates – Chair John Coburn
Pat Davies Lucy Kelly
Caroline Gore-Booth Theresa Vaughn
Christine McNeil
Lily Moughton
In Attendance
Dave Hickling (Consultant – The Planning Co-operative)
Jamie Wilde (Consultant – Integreat Plus)
Florence Liber (HCC)
Chair’s Report
Boundary Commission Update:
The Chair reported that the Boundary Commission have now published their final recommendations for the ward boundaries in Hull, with the outcome being extremely positive for the Newington neighbourhood since the commission changed its recommendations so that the whole of Newington is included in a Newington ward. However the ward has been combined with Gipsyville to form a new Newington and Gipsyville ward. Subject to parliamentary approval implementation of the new arrangements will commence at the local elections in May 2018.
Stadium Gate Update:
Following canvassing the forums views the Chair confirmed that he had sent a letter on behalf of the Forum to Hull City Council in opposition to the SMC’s installation of a permanent gate separating the Stadium from the Railway Triangle. The route is currently only open on match days, two hours before a game and one hour afterwards. Riverside Area Committee are to consider public consultation on options to maintain full pedestrian and cycle access to the stadium and have proposed three options for maintaining access without compromising stadium safety, the three options are as follows with the preferred option being to establish an official public right of way.
- Establish an official Public Right of Way connecting Argyle Street to Walton Street through West Park
- Establish an agreement with the SMC and Humberside Police over route access
- Take no further action and allow the route to remain closed with no alternative access
West Park Manager
The chair reported he had met with the newly appointed West Park Manager Stuart Carmichael who is based at the Costello Stadium. It was agreed to invite Stuart to the next forum meeting in order to discuss the area policy for West Park.
Community Hub
Finally the chair reported that he had made progress with the proposed new project in connection with establishing a Newington community hub in the area centred on the Goathland Street car park including the Lonsdale community centre.
Consultant’s Report
Jamie Wilde from Integreat Plus presented a range of options for extending upon the design guidance produced by Aecom. The design guidance would be specific to the locale and will be very comprehensive taking into account, such issues as extensions and alterations, street furniture, signage, shop fronts and shutters, surfacing, landscaping, boundary treatments, lighting security, and green routes.
Dave Hickling subsequently circulated copies of the first draft of the General Policies to be included in the plan and requested that Forum members provide feedback particularly regarding the locations of small scale green spaces and street planting with the intention of mapping out a green network and routes within the neighbourhood plan area. Dave left a large copy of a map for use by forum members to illustrate all the small scale green spaces we are aware of. This is available for anyone to use at Lonsdale community centre. It will also come in useful to map out areas where fly tipping is a problem since the community hub idea is linked to recycling initiatives.
Timescale: It is planned to have the first draft of the plan completed by January 2018, following which the planning policies will be further developed prior to the pre-submission consultation. The independent examination ad referendum are the last stages in making the plan which we will need to complete by June 2018.
Any Other Business
The Lonsdale community centre Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Thursday 16th November 2017 at 12 noon. A presentation will be given outlining the progress of the plan to date and forum members and members of the public are all welcome to attend.
The Lonsdale Christmas Fayre will be held on Saturday 16th December 2017 from 11am to 2pm. There will be a variety of Christmas related activities, stalls and a free buffet!
All are welcome to attend.
Date, time & venue of next forum meeting
Monday 27th November at 5.30 pm at the Lonsdale Community Centre
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