Christmas get together for forum members

Friday 9th December from 5pm to 8.30pm at Lonsdale community centre. It will be an informal drop-in with some festive food and drink provided to get people talking and mingling.  Have a look at the focus group questions below and bring along your ideas and feedback!

Culture and Community:


  • Should the NP try to encourage healthier lifestyles, e.g. by encouraging more walking and cycling, providing fitness areas, growing our own food, and discouraging yet more “junk” food outlets


  • What events are already happening / planned?
  • How can we encourage / facilitate more events to bring together the local community and bring in people from elsewhere?
  • Does the area need / could the area support new performance venue(s)? If so, where could they be located and what sort of events should be held there?


  • How can the NP seek to improve social integration and better education standards?
  • Is the KCOM Stadium utilised for educational purposes?
  • Can we encourage local apprenticeships?

Leisure and Open Space:

West Park and the KCOM Stadium:

  • How can the park be better utilized and maintained?
  • What is required and where?
  • What is the preferred future use of the former open-air theatre?
  • Can it be used alongside the model railway?
  • Are both Bowling Greens needed?
  • If not, what use could be made of the ‘spare’ one?
  • Is a new “master-plan” / vision for West Park required? If, so, is the Neighbourhood Plan an appropriate vehicle to promote it?
  • Should the Stadium Management Company develop closer links with the local community? If so, how?
  • Can / should the football and rugby clubs be more closely involved?
  • The “Railway Triangle”:
  • What is / are the preferred uses for the “Triangle”
  • How can these uses be delivered?
  • The Hull Fair / Market Site
  • Can the Hull Fair / Market site be improved visually without compromising uses? If so, how?
  • Other open spaces:
  • Where are they?
  • Do we need more?
  • Could / should some be redeveloped?
  • Could we develop a Green Infrastructure plan linking open spaces together in a local green network?

The Local Economy:

Employment Related Development

  • What are the primary economic drivers in the Neighbourhood?
  • What type of employment do we need / want locally?
  • How can we encourage it? Where? How?

Vitality & Viability

  • Can we develop some sort of economic strategy for the NP area?
  • How can the NP promote the area making it more attractive to inward investment?
  • Should there be any specific (types of) business
  • How do we get more local business people to have an input?

Shops, Pubs & Takeaways:

  • Do we have too many of certain types of shops – or too few?
  • More cafes and restaurants?
  • Better range of shops?
  • How important is footfall as compared to driver “drop-in”?

Pop-Up Shops & “Meanwhile” Uses

  • Are they a good thing? How could they be encouraged?

What importance and what value do the Stadium (and in particular football) and Hull Fair give the area?

The Built Environment:

Vacant Land & Buildings

Where are they? What uses could they be put to? How can the NP encourage re-use for appropriate purposes?

New Housing Sites

Are there other potential housing sites?

Housing Tenure, Mix, & Affordability

How can we try to ensure that new housebuilding is aligned with local housing need?

What is the appropriate mix of housing type/tenure?

Design Issues

Do we need some Design Guidance or a Design Code, e.g for shop fronts or specific types of buildings or for everything?

What form should such guidance take?

Traffic and Parking:

Through Traffic

  • What are the issues arising from through traffic?
  • Could traffic flows along Anlaby Road be improved through better traffic management?

Road Safety

  • Does on-street parking lead to road safety issues?
  • Do we need any more pedestrian crossings? If so, where should they be located?


  • Is there sufficient parking to serve existing uses along Anlaby Road? If not, where could additional spaces be provided?
  • Why are existing car-parks not used? What should be done with them?
  • Is it appropriate to seek housing development on the under-used car-parks at the end of Walliker Street?
  • Do we need to identify replacement car-parking spaces? If so, where should these be?
  • Is there sufficient parking to serve residential areas? If not, where could additional spaces be provided?
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